Once Upon a Time...
The project, named „Once upon a time…“ is implemented jointly with the „National Museum of Natural History“. This project aims to provide part of the museum’s exposure with kind of unusual and artistic view by recreating it in a fabulous and magic series. This series will include 6 /six/ triptychs with variations on 6 /six/ popular children’s fairy tales, in which one of the main characters – an animals – are some of the exhibits in the museum. The idea of the triptych is to tell each of the stories to depict the main characters – person /part one/ and animal /part three/ and the fairy tale /in the middle/ in separate frames. The pictures will be performed in the style of the already sent 3 /three/ photos with variations depending on the specifics of each story. The first series is based on the famous story „The Snow Queen “ of H. C. Andersen, from where came the idea of the continuation of the project and it’s organization in an exhibition.