Flash music 2014
The music is in the lens again!
the sixth edition of the international photo salon Flash Music 2014 begins!
We welcome your latest photo shots in the vast and multifaceted topic ‘Music’ …
Dear friends,
Academy of Photography Bulgaria “Yanka Kyurkchieva” is pleased to announce the sixth edition of the international photographic contest “Flash Music” 2014 again under the patronage of FIAP! This year we have the traditional support our hosts by the Municipality Pavlikem which provide ground for the exhibition and awards for the sixth time. We hope that this year with your vfahnoveniya, impressions and moments captured in obektiivite, we will once again enjoy the rich collection of photography and music!
Let the dancing begin!
Thematic round:
– Music performances of classic, jazz, folklore, popular music etc.;
– Stage music performances of opera, operetta, ballet, folklore and other dances;
– Portraits of well-known music performers and figures, funny moments of their life;
– Still life on music themes;
– Abstractions.
Three sections:
1. Single photography;
2. Series photography;
3. Experimental photography.
Participants can produce up to 4 pictures in section Single photography and Experimental photography and 1 series of up to 12 pictures
in section Series photography. The jury keeps the right to choose separate photos.
The full regulation can be downloaded from here.
Application form from here.
Within a few days the site will be active and online forms for enrollment in the contest!
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