Gallery 13th step
Gallery 13th step Bourgas was found in 2009 mainly with a focus on photography and with the idea to become a home of the unconventional and inspired artists, wishing to express themselves. „Thirteen stairs under the ground are enough for you to see that the world is better“ – share their owners. Dozens of exhibitions of many artists with national and international appearances have become known to the public exactly here. Among them are the names of Bedros Azinyan, Ivaylo Sakelariev, Nacho Kamenov, Mariana Kamburova, Ivan Savov, Penka Sedlarska, Tsvetan Minkov and etc. Common guests are also creative collections of photographic associations and societies like: Fotovacation, Fotofiesta, Bourgas photographic community, Academy of Photography, Photographic club Kyrklareli and photographic club Lyule Bourgas. Through their art the audience of Bourgas has touched not only the magic of photography but also a world expressed by it.