Landscapes from Scotland
Born in 1954 in Burgas. I have graduated chemistry and photography in „Julius Fučik“ School in Sofia in 1980. I am involved actively in photography since 1970, having participated in youth national exhibitions. I was awarded an encouragement prize at the national exhibition Colour Photography Troyan – 78. As a professional photographer in the tourism advertising field. To me, the art photography is and shall remain my greatest love. Together with the already deceased Georgi Radev, we created the representative city photo-club, which, together with the students’ club of Zhivko Arabov, contributed to the establishment of the art photography. Later, in 1981, together with Dr. Mutafchiev, we organized Photo-vacation, which was a successful forum established and developed further by FOMUS with Yuri Treyman. There followed the First Act Photography Exhibition EOS and joint exhibitions with the Polish Photographers’ Union. I have taken part in almost all national exhibitions after 1978, as well as international:
Basel – 1983, Budapest – 1984, Katovice – 1986, etc. I made also several one-man exhibitions – Act photography, Exhibition by invitation of the Polish Photographers’ Union in Katovice, International photographers’ meetings – Plovdiv, Edinburgh and Inverness. The works were shot in the United Kingdom, most of them in Scotland. The exhibition is an attempt to synthesize the city landscape, the life and spirituality of a nation, beyond the tourist landmarks. The dynamic atmospheric conditions (sometimes the 4 seasons are presented in a single day) seem resonate with the ancient traditions and render unique mystics, which could hardly leave anyone impassive. Through the most simple photographic means of impression, I wanted to show the harmonious coexistence of antiquity and contemporaneity, that irrationality, maybe mystics that drives you insane. Dipping in more details in their traditions through the new contacts, I gave a new meaning to the things trying to drive them in a simple subject-matter, where the dramatic lighting was my accomplice.