събития, които може да видите на 15.06.2012
events that are open on 15.06.2012
15.06 - 30.06.2012
The Rhodopes – a Land so Bulgarian
Изложба на Петра АтанасоваAn exhibition by Petra Atanasova
15.06 - 30.06.2012
The Rhodopes – a Land so Bulgarian
Изложба на Петра АтанасоваAn exhibition by Petra Atanasova
08.06 - 30.06.2012
Toilers of the Sea
Репортажни портрети от фотопленера "Морски труженици"Reportage Portraits From the "Toilers Of The Sea" workshop
08.06 - 30.06.2012
Toilers of the Sea
Репортажни портрети от фотопленера "Морски труженици"Reportage Portraits From the "Toilers Of The Sea" workshop
14.06 - 28.06.2012
Flash Back
Изложба на Ненчо БалканскиAn exhibition by Nencho Balkanski
07.06 - 19.06.2012
The spirit of Varna
Сборна изложбаA collective exhibition
04.06 - 24.06.2012
Black Sea – Underwater Photography
Изложба на Любомир КлисуровAn exhibition by Lyubomir Klisurov
04.06 - 24.06.2012
Black Sea – Underwater Photography
Изложба на Любомир КлисуровAn exhibition by Lyubomir Klisurov
15.06 - 30.06.2012
Rhythm in pictures
Изложба на Асен Недялков и Димо СтояновAn exhibition by Asen Nedyalkov and Dimo Stoyanov
15.06 - 30.06.2012
Rhythm in pictures
Изложба на Асен Недялков и Димо СтояновAn exhibition by Asen Nedyalkov and Dimo Stoyanov
01.06 - 15.06.2012
Legacy – Fragments from the Architectural History of Varna
Сборна изложба на варненски архитекти An exhibition by architects from Varna
01.06 - 15.06.2012
Legacy – Fragments from the Architectural History of Varna
Сборна изложба на варненски архитекти An exhibition by architects from Varna
10.06 - 20.06.2012
Human and Water
Изложба на Георги КарамихайловAn exhibition by Georgi Karamihaylov
10.06 - 20.06.2012
Human and Water
Изложба на Георги КарамихайловAn exhibition by Georgi Karamihaylov
06.06 - 25.06.2012
An exhibition of Zofia Ridet photography
Изложба на Зофия РидетAn exhibition by Zofia Ridet
06.06 - 25.06.2012
An exhibition of Zofia Ridet photography
Изложба на Зофия РидетAn exhibition by Zofia Ridet
15.06 - 30.06.2012
Another Reality
Изложба на Таня ГраматиковаAn exhibition by Tanya Gramatikova
15.06 - 30.06.2012
Other Reality
Изложба на Кристиан АлександровAn exhibition by Kristian Alexandrov
15.06 - 30.06.2012
Other Reality
Изложба на Кристиан АлександровAn exhibition by Kristian Alexandrov
15.06 - 30.06.2012
The Shadows of Mo-Ti
Изложба на Алеш ХръдличкаAn exhibition by Alesh Hrdlichka
15.06 - 27.06.2012
The Fascination of a Woman
Изложба на Радостин ДимитровAn exhibition by Radostin Dimitrov
15.06 - 27.06.2012
The Fascination of a Woman
Изложба на Радостин ДимитровAn exhibition by Radostin Dimitrov
15.06 - 17.06.2012
Workshop Light Painting
Изпълнение на сложни светлинни проекти с Генчо Петков, ф.х., AFIAPCarrying out complex light projects with Gencho Petkov, art photographer, AFIAP
15.06 - 17.06.2012
Workshop Light Painting
Изпълнение на сложни светлинни проекти с Генчо Петков, ф.х., AFIAPCarrying out complex light projects with Gencho Petkov, art photographer, AFIAP
14.06 - 10.07.2012
Wear My Glasses
Изложба на Евгения НиколоваAn exhibition by Evgenia Nikolova
11.06 - 25.06.2012
The Best of
Изложба на Раян ШудAn exhibition by Ryan Schude
11.06 - 23.06.2012
Geometric kisses
Изложба на Ралица СултановаAn exhibition by Ralitsa Sultanova
11.06 - 15.06.2012
On Tiptoe 3
Изложба на Калина ЯнчуловаAn exhibition by Kalina Yanchulova
08.06 - 20.06.2012
16 Young Photographers
Изложба на студенти от МП Фотография, Национална художествена академияAn exhibition of MP Photography students, National Academy of Art
08.06 - 20.06.2012
16 Young Photographers
Изложба на студенти от МП Фотография, Национална художествена академияAn exhibition of MP Photography students, National Academy of Art
08.06 - 15.06.2012
On the Other Hand
Изложба на Маргит ДаракчиеваAn exhibition by Margit Darakchieva
08.06 - 15.06.2012
On the Other Hand
Изложба на Маргит ДаракчиеваAn exhibition by Margit Darakchieva
07.06 - 30.06.2012
André Kertész – Selected from the Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kechkemet
Изложба на Андре КертеAn exhibition by André Kertész
07.06 - 30.06.2012
André Kertész – Selected from the Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kechkemet
Изложба на Андре КертеAn exhibition by André Kertész
06.06 - 07.07.2012
Изложба на Веселин МалиновAn exhibition by Veselin Malinov
05.06 - 25.06.2012
Bromoil prints
Изложба на Венета ТилеваAn exhibition by Veneta Tileva
05.06 - 20.06.2012
My Land is the Ocean
Изложба на Румен КойновAn exhibition by Rumen Koynov
14.06 - 29.06.2012
On the Edge of Reality
Изложба на Авела АдмонAn exhibition by Avela Admon
04.06 - 18.06.2012
Kremikovtsi, a story
Изложба на Слободан МишковичAn exhibition by Slobodan Mishkovich
04.06 - 18.06.2012
Kremikovtsi, a story
Изложба на Слободан МишковичAn exhibition by Slobodan Mishkovich
13.06 - 20.06.2012
An Exhibition Of Photography Bachelor`s Program Students NBU
Куратор: доц. Динамир Предов, AFIAPCurator: assoc. prof. Dinamir Predov, AFIAP
13.06 - 20.06.2012
An Exhibition Of Photography Bachelor`s Program Students NBU
Куратор: доц. Динамир Предов, AFIAPCurator: assoc. prof. Dinamir Predov, AFIAP
01.06 - 16.06.2012
The Last Project
Изложба на Шаварш Артин [1948-2005]An exhibition by Shavarsh Artin [1948-2005]
01.06 - 16.06.2012
The Last Project
Изложба на Шаварш Артин [1948-2005]An exhibition by Shavarsh Artin [1948-2005]
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Little stories
Изложба на Светлана БекяроваAn exhibition by Svetlana Bekyarova
01.06 - 16.06.2012
The Best of
Изложба на Тимоти АлънAn exhibition by Timothy Allen
12.06 - 25.06.2012
The Wild 2011
Изложба на селекция от международния салон под егидата на FIAP "Дивото 2011"An exhibition of a selection from the FIAP International Salon "The Wild 2011"
12.06 - 25.06.2012
The Wild 2011
Изложба на селекция от международния салон под егидата на FIAP "Дивото 2011"An exhibition of a selection from the FIAP International Salon "The Wild 2011"
12.06 - 10.07.2012
Wedding Photography
Сборна изложба на Камен Ехранов, Владимир Коцев и Васил НевеновA collective exhibition by Kamen Ehranov, Vladimir Kotsev and Vasil Nevenov
12.06 - 10.07.2012
Wedding Photography
Сборна изложба на Камен Ехранов, Владимир Коцев и Васил НевеновA collective exhibition by Kamen Ehranov, Vladimir Kotsev and Vasil Nevenov
12.06 - 25.06.2012
Сборна изложбаA collective exhibition
12.06 - 25.06.2012
The person next to me
Изложба на селекция от конкурса "Човекът до мен"A selected exhibition from the "The person next to me" photo competition
12.06 - 25.06.2012
The person next to me
Изложба на селекция от конкурса "Човекът до мен"A selected exhibition from the "The person next to me" photo competition
12.06 - 25.06.2012
Fashion Weeks
Изложба на Иван КоловосAn exhibition by Ivan Kolovos
09.06 - 19.06.2012
Individual Exhibitions of MP Photographic Art Students, NBU
Куратор: Силвия Иванова Curator: Silvia Ivanova
09.06 - 19.06.2012
Individual Exhibitions of MP Photographic Art Students, NBU
Куратор: Силвия Иванова Curator: Silvia Ivanova
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Underwater Fantasies
Изложба на Сергей БусленкоAn exhibition by Sergey Busolenko
01.06 - 30.06.2012
The Best of
Изложба на Лорън РандолфAn exhibition by Lauren Randolph
04.06 - 18.06.2012
Lest We Forget
Изложба на Ивелин МетодиевAn exhibition by Ivelin Metodiev
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Faces from my photoraphic diaries
изложба на Георги ПапакочевAn exhibition by Georgi Papakochev
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Faces from my photoraphic diaries
изложба на Георги ПапакочевAn exhibition by Georgi Papakochev
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Keep in Touch
Изложба на Линда ИвановаAn exhibition by Linda Ivanova
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Street Stories
Изложба на Саня БутеринAn exhibition by Sania Buterin
07.06 - 27.06.2012
Winter Counting in Sofia Parks and Gardens
Изложба на Росен Русинов An exhibition by Rosen Rusinov
07.06 - 27.06.2012