събития, които може да видите на 04.06.2012
events that are open on 04.06.2012
04.06 - 24.06.2012
Black Sea – Underwater Photography
Изложба на Любомир КлисуровAn exhibition by Lyubomir Klisurov
04.06 - 24.06.2012
Black Sea – Underwater Photography
Изложба на Любомир КлисуровAn exhibition by Lyubomir Klisurov
01.06 - 15.06.2012
Legacy – Fragments from the Architectural History of Varna
Сборна изложба на варненски архитекти An exhibition by architects from Varna
01.06 - 15.06.2012
Legacy – Fragments from the Architectural History of Varna
Сборна изложба на варненски архитекти An exhibition by architects from Varna
01.06 - 09.06.2012
A collective exhibition
Сборна изложба на ученици от "Първа езикова гимназия", Варна A collective exhibition by students from "First language school", Varna
01.06 - 09.06.2012
A collective exhibition
Сборна изложба на ученици от "Първа езикова гимназия", Варна A collective exhibition by students from "First language school", Varna
04.06 - 18.06.2012
Kremikovtsi, a story
Изложба на Слободан МишковичAn exhibition by Slobodan Mishkovich
04.06 - 18.06.2012
Kremikovtsi, a story
Изложба на Слободан МишковичAn exhibition by Slobodan Mishkovich
01.06 - 16.06.2012
The Last Project
Изложба на Шаварш Артин [1948-2005]An exhibition by Shavarsh Artin [1948-2005]
01.06 - 16.06.2012
The Last Project
Изложба на Шаварш Артин [1948-2005]An exhibition by Shavarsh Artin [1948-2005]
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Little stories
Изложба на Светлана БекяроваAn exhibition by Svetlana Bekyarova
01.06 - 16.06.2012
The Best of
Изложба на Тимоти АлънAn exhibition by Timothy Allen
31.05 - 11.06.2012
Photoacademica 2012
Изложба от конкурс Фотоакадемика 2012. Откриване и връчване на наградите от конкурса и носителя на статуетката на НСФАAn exhibition from the Photoacademica 2012 photo competition. Opening and award ceremony. Announcing of the winner of the Academica statuette
31.05 - 11.06.2012
Photoacademica 2012
Изложба от конкурс Фотоакадемика 2012. Откриване и връчване на наградите от конкурса и носителя на статуетката на НСФАAn exhibition from the Photoacademica 2012 photo competition. Opening and award ceremony. Announcing of the winner of the Academica statuette
31.05 - 11.06.2012
The Best of
Изложба на Деяна Стаматова [1941-2001]An exhibition by Deyana Stamatova [1941-2001]
31.05 - 11.06.2012
The Best of
Изложба на Деяна Стаматова [1941-2001]An exhibition by Deyana Stamatova [1941-2001]
30.05 - 08.06.2012
Controversial Dadaism Individual Exhibitions of NBU Students
Куратор: Силвия Иванова Curator: Silvia Ivanova
30.05 - 08.06.2012
Controversial Dadaism Individual Exhibitions of NBU Students
Куратор: Силвия Иванова Curator: Silvia Ivanova
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Underwater Fantasies
Изложба на Сергей БусленкоAn exhibition by Sergey Busolenko
01.06 - 30.06.2012
The Best of
Изложба на Лорън РандолфAn exhibition by Lauren Randolph
04.06 - 18.06.2012
Lest We Forget
Изложба на Ивелин МетодиевAn exhibition by Ivelin Metodiev
02.06 - 12.06.2012
Still, not Tumbling Pebbles
Изложба на Бойко БоевAn exhibition by Boyko Boev
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Faces from my photoraphic diaries
изложба на Георги ПапакочевAn exhibition by Georgi Papakochev
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Faces from my photoraphic diaries
изложба на Георги ПапакочевAn exhibition by Georgi Papakochev
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Keep in Touch
Изложба на Линда ИвановаAn exhibition by Linda Ivanova
01.06 - 16.06.2012
Street Stories
Изложба на Саня БутеринAn exhibition by Sania Buterin
10.05 - 10.06.2012
For a Few Dollars More or Nine Portraits
Изложба на Александър ВълчевAn exhibition by Alexander Valchev
10.05 - 10.06.2012