Nacho Kamenov is a prominent figure in the area of Advertising Photography. Although someone could feature him as belonging to the „old school“ professional photographers raised with the „film roll“, today he is even more topical and intriguing, inspiring and provoking.
The Exhibition: To me Woman is an exquisite creation of God. Deep inside, each woman bears what is naturally beautiful. The photographer’s mission is to find the key to this nature. And to achieve it, one has to take the right approach to the model. One of the most important things in nude photography is the unconditional trust between the model and the photographer. A kind of giving herself which is a must for the good image. Good energies, orbiting round each other. „What is important to me: the detail and the form, the light and body language. Color is out of place here. I can afford it only when I perceive the photo as a painting. Nude Photography is my hobby. Through it I bring life to my fantasies.