Black Sea – Underwater Photography
yubomir Klisurov is an underwater photographer, professional diver and sea explorer. In 1961 he took the first Varna frogmen course and since 1971 he has been frogman-instructor. In 1981 he was awarded the highest diving instructor rank in Bulgaria. In the period 1968 – 1970 Lyubomir Klisurov was one of the founders and organizers of the underwater Shelf-1 home experiment. In 1972-1973 he was given a grant by UNESCO to explore in the USA man’s stay underwater for extended periods of time.
Mr. Klisurov is a silver medal winner of the underwater photography anonymous contest organized by the World Underwater Confederation (CMAS – 1993), first prize winner of the 2nd World for All (1996) photography contest, „Varna“ award winner for achievements in the area of underwater photography (1999), Kodak-Bulgaria Big Prize winner in the „World in Color“ contest (1999), winner of the Special Award of the organizing committee of the 1st International Underwater Photography Festival in Istanbul (2001), macrophotography first award winner at the 2nd International Underwater Photography and Video Festival in Famagusta (2006). Mr. Klisurov has 11 individual exhibitions in Bulgaria, Spain and Portugal. He is the author of the „Eye-to-Eye with the Underwater World“ series of the Sea World magazine and of numerous popular science articles and materials on underwater photography illustrated with his photos in Bulgarian and foreign magazines. In 2008 he published the first and so far one and only „The Black Sea Underwater“ photo-album featuring the Black Sea flora and fauna