събития, които може да видите на 15.06.2022
events that are open on 15.06.2022
15.06 - 26.08.2022
The Birds of Bulgaria through the Eyes of a Pole
Мачей ШиманскиH.E. Maciej Szymański
15.06 - 26.08.2022
The Birds of Bulgaria through the Eyes of a Pole
Мачей ШиманскиH.E. Maciej Szymański
13.06 - 30.06.2022
анализ на фотография / photography analysis, изложби / exhibitions
Gallery - bookstore “Sofia Press”
Gallery - bookstore “Sofia Press”
Фотографии на Владимир Карамазов, AFIAPPhotographs of Vladimir Karamazov, AFIAP
13.06 - 30.06.2022
анализ на фотография / photography analysis, изложби / exhibitions
Gallery - bookstore “Sofia Press”
Gallery - bookstore “Sofia Press”
Фотографии на Владимир Карамазов, AFIAPPhotographs of Vladimir Karamazov, AFIAP
10.06 - 25.06.2022
LONdown, May'20 - the Fear
Димитър КазанджиевDimitar Kazandzhiev
09.06 - 30.06.2022