An Exhibition of Photography Bachelor's Program Students, NBU
05.07 - 18.07.2011
Curator: assoc. prof. Dinamir Predov
Opening: 05.07.2011 at 19.30
Industrialna 11
The first two years of the Program encompass basic scientific disciplines in the area of the Program: Aesthetics and Art Theory, General Art History, Visual Arts Composition, introductory courses – Introduction to Photography, Introduction to the Practice of Photography, Advertising and Fine Art Photography, Computer Processing of Photographic Images, History of the Art of Photography etc. In the third and fourth year studies are conducted with a focus on the Program's specialized courses, independent work and course projects.
The alumni obtain knowledge in the area of visual arts and the stages of the artistic processes in photography along with skills allowing them to create high quality works of photography..
Bachelors who have graduated successfully can continue their education in the field of photography in the opened this year Master's Program in Photography.