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Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011
Month of Photography 2011

Master Class of Marek Czarnecki, Poland

18.06 - 19.06.2011
Opening: 18.06.2011 at 10:00
Multimedia Workshop

Organizer: "8th Art" Photo Club, Multimedia Workshop.
With the kind support of: Dedo Weigert Film, Polish Institute – Sofia, LOT Polish Airlines, Dynacord Bulgaria, Dekov Photo Studio, CANON – Bulgaria

After the recognized success of "Dedolight" workshop – "The different light", the "Eighth Sense" Photo club and Multimedia Workshop with the support of Dedo Weigert Film organize master class of the prominent Polish photographer Marek Czarnecki.

Marek Czarnecki
four times winner of the British Professional Photography Awards in Commercisl and Advertising photography, Illustrative Photography and Industrial Photography categories.
A member of: Polish Artist Photographers Association, Master Photographers Association, British Institute of Professional Photography, Federation of European Photographers, International Association of Panoramic Photographers.

A personal confession by Marek of his love for photography:
My love affair with photography started 25 years ago when I bought my first 35 mm camera. The picture I saw in the viewfinder dramatically changed my perception of the surrounding world. And the first night I spent working alone in the dark room sparkled great excitement. In the light of the laboratory I saw newly appearing images which I was able to model and alter. At the same time it never occurred to me then that those first days with the camera and the magnifier will change the course of my life. I graduated from the University but my love for photography was so strong that I devoted all my time to exhaustive and creative study of photography. My participation in individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad confirmed and tested my decision to dedicate my life to this Art and to remain good at it. The objects which I shoot are of great interest to me along with the challenge to create ambience and climate expressing attitude towards the object revealing its features and expressing different perspectives. Light manipulation which is the main factor in photography allows me to create new images of shapes and colours while my sole purpose is to find and show the observer my stylistic approach to the subject-matter of the photo. The photography I practice involves, besides the contractual tasks, permanent compromise between me and the client, and the object to be shot.

Marek Czarnecki

1. Introduction: continuous lighting in studio photography
2. Differences between impulse and continuous studio light
3. Why and what object? (from the perspective of an advertising artist-photographer)
4. The advantages of "you get what you see"
5. Special effects – first in the studio, then – the computer
6. How to work with light with structured surfaces
7. Light beams and Atmospheric Fog machine

The Program includes:
• Theory presentation – 2 hours
• Studio work with the lecturer – 4 hours
• Practical work with the lecturer minimum 1 hour per each participant in the workshop

The workshop will take place at minimum 4 participants.. Those who have registered and paid the fee will be informed via e-mail that the workshop will start no later than June 15, 2011.
Maximum number of partisipants in the master class: 8 people.

• 10% Discount for Dedo Weighert Film products for participants in the workshop
• 5% Discount for all photographic products and services provided by Multimedia Workshop
• 10% Discount for all photographic products and services provided by "Dekov" Photo Studio
• 5% Discount of the tourist programs offered by TA Style Travel
The photos' copyrights belong exclusively to the author. The organizers of the workshop are entitled to use the photos from the workshop to popularize it.

The organizers have the right to introduce changes in the program of the Workshop view of the improvement of organization and the quality of the organized by them workshops.
For more information, detailed program and link to the registration form, please go to: www.mmw.bg

More about Marek Czarnecki
www.czarnecki.com.pl , marek@czarnecki.com.pl

Polish Artist Photographers Association College – Artist Photographer Master Photographers Association, Great Britain – Associateship British Institute of Professional Photography, Great Britain – Associateship Associateship Qualified European Photographer Certificate – QEP Advertising International Association of Panoramic Photographers, USA

Important Exhibitions and Competitions:
1983-88 & 2001: 'FotoŻart' in Legnica, Poland (silver medal in 1984 &1985); 1983" 'Żena' in Strakowice, the Czech Republic; 1984-85: 'Fotografia Academica' in Pardubice, the Czech Republic; 1985 & 1987-88: 'Humor Foto' in Konokke Heist, Belgium; 1985 & 1987: 'Bennial Exhibition of Polish Landscape' in Kielce, Poland; 1987: 'Foto Humor' in Gabrowo, Bulgaria; 1989: 'TUMULT' in Toruń, Poland; 1989: 'Wystawa Okręgowa ZPAF' (Regional Exhibition of the Polish Artist Photographers Association) in Toruń, Poland; 1990: 'Galicja' in Toruń, Poland; 1998 & 1999: 'Fotografia Wydrukowana przez ZAPF' (A Photography Published by Polish Artist Photographers Association) in Warsaw, Poland; 1998, 1999 & 2000: 'Twórcy Reklamy Polskiej' (Creators of Polish Advertising); 2000: 'Crackfilm' in Cracow, Poland (two TYTAN award nominations); 2002: A Jubilee Exhibition of the Master Photographers Association 50th Anniversary in Coventry, Great Britain (an Oskar in the category of Commercial and Industrial photography, 3 works awarded a Certificate of Merit and Award of Excellence); 2003: BIPP Competition, Great Britain (8 brown medals in advertising and illustrating photography); 2003: MPA, Great Britain (3 Oskar nominations and an Oscar in the category of illustrating photography). 2004: MPA, Great Britain (an Oskar in the category of Commercial/Advertising photography, 3 works awarded a Certificate of Merit and Award of Excellence); 2005: MPA, BIPP The British Professional Photography Awards (an Oskar, 7 works awarded a Certificate of Merit and 3 works Award of Excellence); 2006: British Institute of Professional Photography i Master Photographers Association (3 works awarded a Certificate of Merit)

More important individual exhibitions:
1989: 'Fotografia Autorska' (Authorial Photography) in Cracow, Poland; 1990: 'Fotografia Autorska' (Authorial Photography) in Riga, Latvia; 2000 & 2001: 'W krainie przedmiotów' (In the Land of Objects) in Warsaw,
2003: 2003: 2004: 2004: 2005: 2006: 2007: Kielce & Gdynia, Poland; 'Wojna Mediów' (The War of the Media) in Toruń, Poland; 'Panorama of Toruń" and 'Cultural Centre: Arthus Manor' in Toruń, Poland; 'Wojna Mediów' (The War of the Media) in Warsaw, Poland; 'W krainie przedmiotu' (In the Land of Objects) in Oberhausen, Germany. 'Wojna Mediów' (The War of the Media) in Koszalin, Poland; 'Panorama of Toruń' in Pamplona, Spain 'Panorama of Toruń' in Cadca, Slovakia

1989: 'Tumult Toruński '89 – Sztuka Poza Centrum' (The Tumult of Toruń '89 – Out-of- Centre Art.); 1998-2001: 'Twórcy Reklamy Polskiej' (Creators of Polish Advertising); 2001: 'Mistrzowie Polskiego Pejzażu' (Masters of Polish Landscape); 2002: The Photographer; 2002: Master Photographers Association Golden Jubilee Yearbook 1952-2002; 2003: An Exhibition combined with a promotion campaign of the authorial albums 'Panorama Torunia' (Panorama of Toruń) and 'Centrum Kultury Dwór Artusa w Toruniu' (Cultural Centre: Arthus Manor in Toruń); 2003: 'Gniezno. Katedra Prymasowska' (Gniezno. The Primate's Cathedral); 2003: 'Mariott Warsaw'. 2004: 'Wojna mediów' (The War of the Media) 2005: 'Szlak Piastowski' 2006: 'Toruń'

Polish Artist Photographers Association; Master Photographers Association; British Institute of Professional Photography; Federation of European Photographers; International Association of Panoramic Photographers.